The firm and its lawyers organise and participate as speakers at conferences and seminars dedicated to legal issues

25 May 2022, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Unindustria Reggio Emilia – Area Lavoro

Dismissal for justified objective reason and the obligation to repêchage

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer


20 May 2022, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Ordine dei Giornalisti and Fondazione Giornalisti dell’Emilia Romagna, in collaboration with Associazione Stampa Reggiana Gino Bedeschi

Development time and information time. Making information with images and photojournalism, from film to digitals

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia

19 April 2022, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Order of the Engineers of Reggio Emilia, in collaboration with the Foundation of Engineers of Reggio Emilia

Administrative liability of Entities pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01. Code of Ethics and Management Organizational Model

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer


12 April 2022, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Unindustria Reggio Emilia – Area Lavoro

Disciplinary proceedings and employer controls  

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer


7 April 2022, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Ordine dei Giornalisti and Fondazione Giornalisti dell’Emilia Romagna, in collaboration with Associazione Stampa Reggiana Gino Bedeschi

Relationship between reality and fiction in the dissemination of informations

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Confcooperative – Reggio Emilia

15 March 2022, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Unindustria Reggio Emilia – Area Lavoro

Safeguard of the company know-how, employee loyalty and stability pacts: tools to regulate the employment relationship

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer



14 March 2022, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Order of the Engineers of Reggio Emilia, in collaboration with the Foundation of Engineers of Reggio Emilia

Civil liabilities of the technical professional

Speaker: Marco Moretti, Lawyer


11 March 2022, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Camera Civile di Reggio Emilia

The liability of LTD administrators and liquidators according to the most recent rulings of the Supreme Court

Speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Courtroom of Assizes of the Court of Reggio Emilia

15 December 2021, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Order of the Engineers of Reggio Emilia, in collaboration with the Foundation of Engineers of Reggio Emilia

Criminal liability of the technical professional

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer


7 March 2019, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Unindustria Reggio Emilia

United Arab Emirates: opportunities for commercial and productive development in the residential-building sector

The management of business and commercial relations in the United Arab Emirates

Speaker: Marco Moretti, Lawyer

Headquarters of Unindustria in Reggio Emilia

March/June 2018, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Fondazione Giustizia of Reggio Emilia

European Union law course – ECHR – International legal relations

Organisation of the course and interventions: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Moderator and interventions: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Court of Assize Chamber of the Court of Reggio Emilia

27 March 2018, Reggio Emilia

Event organised by Fondazione Giustizia of Reggio Emilia

Trial of Oscar Wilde

with the participation of Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Aemilia Courtroom of the Court of Reggio Emilia

16 November 2017, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Unindustria Reggio Emilia

GDPR and relating issues, safety first.  Data security involves obligations, tools and figures: which ones?

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Headquarters of Unindustria in Reggio Emilia

29 June 2017, Reggio Emilia

Meeting organised by Law Firm Bassi & Terzi, Sinthera and Unione Europea Assicuratori (European Union Insurers)

Cyber risk and data protection. Data protection obligations relating to the EU Regulation. Which tools and which figures do companies need?

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Headquarters of the firm

15 May 2017, Reggio Emilia

Event organised by Fondazione Giustizia of Reggio Emilia

Piero Calamandrei: a tribute to the art of ethics

Organiser and moderator: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Ariosto Theatre of Reggio Emilia

6 April 2017, Reggio Emilia

Meeting organised by the firm Legale Bassi & Terzi, Sinthera e Cisco

Cyber security to be prepared.  Legal issues related to IT tools

Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Headquarters of the firm

1 April 2016, Reggio Emilia

Course organised by Fondazione Giustizia of Reggio Emilia

Course on the financial statements and on certain responsibilities and disputes in the company.

The appeal against the financial statements and the compromise in arbitration of the financial statements’ appeal

Speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia


18 March 2016, Rome

Conference organised by the Provincial Council of Professions – CCIAA Rome

STP – Society among professionals. Reform – opportunities and criticality

Co-speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Hotel Parco dei Principi, Rome


January – May 2016, Reggio Emilia

Course organised by Fondazione Giustizia of Reggio Emilia

Course on the financial statements and on certain responsibilities and disputes in the company

Organisation of the course and interventions: Giulio Terzi Lawyer

Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia


3 December 2015, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Provincial Council of Professions – Chamber of Commerce Reggio Emilia

STP – Society among professionals. Reform – opportunities and criticality

Co-speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia

6 June 2015, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Bar Association, the Criminal Chamber and the Municipality of Reggio Emilia

Fight against corruption: need for legal and social solutions.

Round table “current legislation, reflections on legislative policy choices for prevention and control, need for new cultural models”

Intervention: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Sala del Tricolore of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia


27 April 2015, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the firm Legale Bassi & Terzi

Trust Workshop – The main applications of the trust

Moderator Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Continuity in the ownership of the company within the family: analysis of a specific case of a trust

Speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Headquarters of the firm

November 2014 – May 2015, Reggio Emilia

Course organised by Fondazione Giustizia of Reggio Emilia

Arbitrator training course

Organisation of the course and interventions: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia

2 September 2014, Reggio Emilia

Reform season: efficient justice for rights and development

Debate with the Minister of Justice Hon. Andrea Orlando, the Hon. Maino Marchi and Giulio Terzi, Lawyer, interviewed by Alessandro De Angelis, journalist of the Huffington Post

Reggio Festival, Reggio Emilia

27 June 2014, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Fondazione Giustizia of Reggio Emilia

Arbitration versus Ordinary Judgement: why quality arbitration is worthwhile

Organiser and moderator: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Chamber of Commerce of Reggio Emilia

6 June 2014, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Foundation of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Reggio Emilia

Governance Course – Training programme for the growth and development of roles, responsibilities and skills of Board members

The organisation and functioning of Board meetings

Speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Headquarters of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Reggio Emilia

28 March 2014, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Foundation of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Reggio Emilia

Governance Course – Training programme for the growth and development of roles, responsibilities and skills of Board members

Companies and enterprises under Italian law

Speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Headquarters of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts of Reggio Emilia


31 January 2014, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Civil Chamber of Reggio Emilia

Meetings on financial statements: disputes of the financial statements

Budgetary disputes and appeal against same

Moderator: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer – Speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Credem Auditorium, Reggio Emilia

20 September 2013, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Nota – Res, culture and legal training

The latest news of notarial interest in real estate: from theory to editorial technique

Moderator: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

University of Reggio Emilia – Aula Magna

25 May 2012, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Civil Chamber of Reggio Emilia

The responsibility of directors in corporations and groups

Organisation: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Credem Auditorium, Reggio Emilia

30 March 2012, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Civil Chamber of Reggio Emilia

The new professional companies: analysis, criticism, opportunities

Organisation: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Credem Auditorium, Reggio Emilia

11 November 2011, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Civil Chamber of Reggio Emilia

Trust and transmission of family wealth

Moderator: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Credem Auditorium, Reggio Emilia

25 October 2010, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Civil Chamber of Reggio Emilia

European Day of Civil Justice

Protecting the rights of European citizens after the Lisbon Treaty

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Court of Assize Chamber of the Court of Reggio Emilia

15 September 2010, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by Confartigianato Imprese Reggio Emilia

Safety at work in small and medium-sized enterprises

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Capitano del Popolo room – Hotel Posta, Reggio Emilia

7 April 2010, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by CONFAPI, Small and Medium-Sized Industries of Reggio Emilia

Business networks: joining forces to get out of the crisis and stimulate development. Entrepreneurial autonomy towards common goals

Network Contracts, Temporary Business Associations and Consortia: legal and administrative aspects

Speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Conference Hall Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Services Centre, Reggio Emilia

21 May 2009, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by the Construction School of Reggio Emilia

Acoustic context. The challenge of the works in the application of acoustic regulations in buildings

Speaker: Francesca Bertani, Lawyer

Headquarters of the Construction School of Reggio Emilia

March 19, 2009, Sassuolo (Modena)

Conference organised by Assopiastrelle

Amendments to the regulations on transport contracts and the regulation of freight transport

Speaker: Silvia Piccinini, Lawyer

Headquarters of Unindustria Ceramica, Sassuolo (MO)

10 July 2008, Reggio Emilia

Round table organised by the firm Legale Bassi & Terzi,

The company as a cultural and social player

The social enterprise. A new integration tool at the service of the company and the community

Speaker: Giulio Terzi, Lawyer

Headquarters of the firm

5 February 2008, Reggio Emilia

Conference organised by API Reggio Emilia

Derivatives. How to find your way, how to protect yourself

Speaker: Marco Moretti, Lawyer

Classic Hotel, Reggio Emilia